The Know Where To Go, Know What To Do campaign is available to the general public as a part of a shared mission to help women find the best resources pertaining to her health. Participating organizations have been carefully vetted as having useful and trusted educational, financial, and or emotional support for women pertaining to various health issues. There is no guarantee to the accuracy of any information found on the third party websites referenced in the Know Where To Go, Know What To Do partner profiles. The campaign and participating organizations are not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such external websites, and do not recommend, endorse, make any warranties or representations with regard to any of the materials, products or services provided by companies or organizations participating in this campaign or referred to in this website, print publications or materials, or e-newsletters. The links herein provide content that might be of interest to our visitors. We are not responsible for the material at other sites to which we have established links and establishing a link does not constitute an endorsement of that material. The information displayed by the sites linked to is no substitute for expert medical care. The campaign and participating organizations assume no liability for any medical treatment or other activity undertaken by individuals and encourage you to seek advice from a licensed health care professional before beginning any treatment, therapy, new medication, supplement, exercise regime or other support offered. The user agrees that the campaign and participating organizations are not liable to users or anyone else for any decision made or action taken in reliance upon such information obtained through the Know Where to Go, Know What to Do’ website or any external links provided. ©2022 All rights reserved.